Ireland in its
ireland is my home
 ancient glory
The original
Founding Fathers:
the original founding fathers
Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull
Geronimo, Red Cloud
Quite recently, I've been uncovering my family's heritage, and it's a fascinating one.  As the ring on the menu says, "I am of Ireland"  and so is my family.  Well, my father's side at any rate.  Speficially, the Ulster province (in red).  I've always wondered why I was fascinated by the ancient Celts and their culture.  This might interest you: Mom's side of the family is rooted in Virginia, and as far as I have been able to ascertain, I am 1/4th or 1/8th Cherokee and Arapaho.  I'm currently researching more here, but I'm very proud of both sides of my family.   And sometimes I am sickened by the atrocities committed against our ancestors by the European settlers.

Ancient megaliths played a major role in Celtic life

I am of Ireland